Teku Installation

You'll need to create a few folders in the Home directory to store the keystore and password.

1) Create a new folder in your Home directory called "keystores-teku"

2) Copy and paste your keystore file into that folder, as shown below

2) Navigate back to the Home directory and create another folder called "passwords-teku"

3) Create a new text file where you will enter your keystore password

4) Enter your keystore password (nothing more, nothing less) as shown below:

5) Save the file as the EXACT same name as the keystore, but ending in .txt rather than .json

If your keystore file is named: keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1646941924.json

Your password file is named: keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1646941924.txt

6) Save the password text file in the "passwords-teku" file as shown below:

Installing Teku

Allow Geth to continue syncing, and open a new terminal to install Teku

You can open a new terminal window using Ctrl + Alt + T

Install Java 11 or higher

Check if you have Java installed and which version by running:

java --version

If Java is not installed, you can install using:

sudo apt install default-jre

Clone Teku Repository:

git clone https://github.com/ConsenSys/teku.git

Change Directory:

cd teku

Install Teku using Gradlew:

./gradlew installDist

It may take ~15 minutes, but eventually you should see BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Change Directory (one level up):

cd ..

This will bring you back to the Home directory as shown below:

Start Teku Client:

Note: The last two lines of this code need to be updated with your specific information.

  • --validator-proposer-default-fee-recipient

    • Input the address where you'd like to receive fees

  • --validator-keys=

    • This points to the location of your keystore and password. You need to update both parts with your specific file names (they are separated by the colon)

    • The keystore name in this example is:

      • keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1646941924.json

    • The password file name is:

      • keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_0-1646941924.txt

Copy this code into the terminal after updating last 2 lines:

./teku/build/install/teku/bin/teku \
  --data-path "datadir-teku" \
  --network=kiln \
  --p2p-discovery-bootnodes "enr:-Iq4QMCTfIMXnow27baRUb35Q8iiFHSIDBJh6hQM5Axohhf4b6Kr_cOCu0htQ5WvVqKvFgY28893DHAg8gnBAXsAVqmGAX53x8JggmlkgnY0gmlwhLKAlv6Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQK6S-Cii_KmfFdUJL2TANL3ksaKUnNXvTCv1tLwXs0QgIN1ZHCCIyk" \
  --ee-endpoint http://localhost:8551 \
  --ee-jwt-secret-file "/tmp/jwtsecret" \
  --log-destination console \
  --Xnetwork-total-terminal-difficulty-override=20000000000000 \
  --validators-proposer-default-fee-recipient "0x6bCE7D7b0ec7FED46A3c9933E14dF8D5E6Afd614" \

If you maximize the terminal window, it will be easier to read.

Somewhere in the startup text, you should see "Loaded 1 Validators: XXXXXXX" as seen at the bottom of the previous screenshot

Once you have successfully loaded the keystore, you're ready to deposit the 32 Kiln ETH.

Last updated