Metamask - Kiln ETH

Now we'll configure Metamask to connect to the Kiln network, and request Kiln ETH

Install Metamask

If you don't already have Metamask installed, you can add the browser extension here.

Once installed, create a wallet and save the mnemonic phrase in a secure location

Metamask Wallet View

Add Kiln Network to Metamask

1) Visit this site, then click "Add Network to Metamask"

2) Click "Approve", then "Switch Networks"

3) Notice the network at the top has changed to Kiln

Create New Account

You should use a separate account to interact with testnets

1) Click the image icon in the upper right corner:

2) Select "Create Account"

3) Name the Account (ex: Kiln Deposit)

Now that Metamask is configured, you're ready to request Kiln ETH from the faucet

Request Kiln ETH

1) Visit

2) Enter your Kiln testnet address

3) Complete the Captcha

4) Click "Request Funds"

A confirmation should appear, and your Metamask balance should be updated.

You should receive a bit over 32 ETH, just enough to make the validator deposit.

Kiln ETH Balance in Metamask:

Now that you have Kiln ETH, it's time to set up the Teku validator node.

Last updated