Generate Validator Keys

Offline Key Generation

If your mnemonic phrase is compromised, someone can steal your ETH, so it's very important that keys are generated using proper security procedures.

The best way to safely generate keys is using a live USB running Ubuntu on an air-gapped computer, as demonstrated in this guide:

The following is a simplified (and less secure) way to generate keys for testnet purposes.

Download eth2.0-deposit-cli Key Generator

Please be sure you are using the official Ethereum Foundation GitHub account.

Under "Assets", click the file ending in linux-amd64.tar.gz , then choose "Save". Once complete, the file (aka tarball) should appear in your Downloads folder.

Extract the Tarball to your Home folder

Find the file in your Downloads folder, double click to open this window, then click "Extract" in the upper left hand corner as shown below:

Click Home in the upper left, then click the green Extract

Note: Clicking "Show the files" will not bring you to your home folder. You can navigate to the home folder by clicking "Home" from the panel on the left side in file viewer.

Rename the folder to deposit-cli

Deposit CLI - Key Generation

Open new terminal window using Ctrl + Alt + T

Change Directory to deposit-cli:

cd deposit-cli

Run ./deposit new-mnemonic:

./deposit new-mnemonic

Once you enter the command, you'll be asked a series of questions. Once you complete the questions, you'll be asked to enter a password and be given a mnemonic seed.

Note: Be sure you select Kiln when asked which network you'd like to join.

Mnemonic Seed

If you lose the mnemonic seed, your stake is lost forever.

The 24 word mnemonic seed is necessary to withdraw your staked Eth. Without the seed, you will be unable to transfer/withdraw and your Eth will be lost forever.

After confirming the password, you'll get the mnemonic seed:

Write down the mnemonic, then reenter it to ensure it's correct:

A few things to keep in mind regarding the 24-word mnemonic phrase:

Note: These safeguards are in reference to a mainnet mnemonic that has access to real Eth. No need to be so serious regarding the testnet mnemonic.

  • Make sure you use durable paper and permanent pen

  • Store in a waterproof, fireproof bag inside a safe

  • A bank security box is helpful in preventing the $5 wrench attack

  • Minimum of 2 copies in 2 different locations

  • You can split a copy 12/12 and give to trusted family/friends

Reenter Mnemonic Phrase:

Once you correctly reenter the mnemonic, the validator_keys will be created.

deposit_data and keystore files

Files can be found at:/home/**YOURUSERNAME**/deposit-cli/validator_keys

  • deposit_data-[timestamp].json

    • contains data used to register your validator on the launchpad

  • keystore -[timestamp].json

    • validator keystore file protected by password (aka validator signing key)

If you lose the mnemonic seed, your stake is lost forever.

The "pubkey" is the validator public key and should be the same in both files.

Deposit_data file contents:

Keystore file contents:

Congratulations, you successfully created your validator keys!

Now that you have the validator keys, it's time to configure Metamask for Kiln

Last updated